She wouldn't be in trouble if she had only kept her mouth shut...

"For every promise, there is a price to pay" - Jim Rohn

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chapter 1

“You’re the one who promised her you’d go.  And you’re the one who always talks about the importance of keeping promises,”

Jasmine let her head drop back as her friend Tara guilt tripped her.

“She’s going to Canada,” she annunciated slowly.  “That’s far away,”

“It’s like a two hour plane ride, if that,” Tryna corrected.  “Just think of all the free booze we get to drink and hot guys we get to tease.”  Jasmine lifted her head and saw her wiggle her eyebrows playfully.

“Fine!” her two best friends high fived.  "I’ll go—for a little bit,” Jasmine just glared.


Her phone buzzed loudly against the metal desk.  Jasmine blindly reached for it and answered.

“Oh my god.  I just saw a girl wearing a white skintight Michael Kors dress with a terrible looking flower just sitting on the shoulder that was larger than her ass… um hello, who do you think you are?  Carrie Bradshaw?  I swear, women these days.”

“Hello Sean,” she laughed.

“Hey there gorgeous.  What are you up to?”

“I’m about to leave work.  I have to head home and change for Nicoles par—” Jasmine paused midsentence, a brilliant idea had come to mind.

“Sean.  Oh my sweet Sean,” she cooed.

She heard him scoff, “What do you want?”

“Who said I wanted anything?” she pouted.

Sean laughed on the other end, “You’re only affectionate when you want something.  Spill,”

“Well actually… I desperately need you to come to Nicole’s going away party with me tonight.  I don’t want to go but I said I’d go and the only way I’d have fun is if you were there with me…” Jasmine spat out.


“Please!  Purttty please!  I need my wingman with me!”

“Jazz, you haven’t needed a wingman or even tried to pick up guys since freshman year of college,”

“Exactly!” she exclaimed.  “I need you to help me avoid guys,”
Jasmine could hear him mumbled to himself, unpleasant things she was sure.

He sighed into the phone, “Pick me up at 9,”

“Wouldn’t it make more sense if we met—”


“9 o’clock, see you then,”

After they hung up Jasmine crossed off a few more things on her to-do list before she locked up her office and headed home. 


As the ‘Beyoncé’ playlist on her iPod came through the speakers on her laptop, Jasmine rummaged through her closet for an outfit to wear.

Too conservative.  Too revealing.  Way too small.  Isn't this Tara's?  Oops!

She had no plans to be seeking any attention at the club.  She was there to celebrate a friend and have fun.  She couldn’t dress too hoochy, she didn’t want to look like she was asking for it—she wasn’t.

She settled on a pair of black leather shorts and a solid cream short sleeve top.  With a long necklace hanging from her neck, she paired it off with a pair of black stilettoes and a red clutch.  Jasmine pulled her long copper hair into a messy ponytail and her eyes popped with heavy, black makeup.  Her lips were coated with bright red lipstick that contrasted with her fair skin.

Jasmine pulled up outside of Sean’s apartment at exactly 9 o’clock.  He came down the steps just as she got out of the taxi.  He gave her a once over before pushing her back into the cab, cheering.

“Let’s go break some hearts!”

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